[JS] optional chaining (?.)

Optional Chaining

When is it necessary? 🤔

When working with React and encountering errors in server communication, you often encounter errors like the one shown above. To prevent such errors, conditional rendering was often used.

  exp && => {
      return (

While this method can prevent errors, it’s also possible to achieve the same implementation using optional chaining.

  exp?.map((exp) => {
    return (
      <WanderCard key={} img={exp.img} type={exp.type} desc={exp.desc} />

Writing like this ensures that no errors are thrown when exp contains no values.

Optional Chaining Syntax

The ?. operator stops the evaluation if the item before ?. is null or undefined, returning undefined.

let user = null

alert(user?.address) // undefined
alert(user?.address.street) // undefined

From this example, we understand that ?. operates only on the item before it, and does not extend further. It’s important to note that user?. in the example only handles cases where user is null or undefined.

If user is not null or undefined and contains actual values, user.address property must exist. Otherwise, an error will occur with the second dot operator in user?.address.street.

Short-circuit Evaluation

?. immediately stops evaluation if the left-hand side has no value. This evaluation method is known as short-circuiting.

Therefore, additional actions on the right-hand side of ?., including function calls, do not occur once the evaluation of ?. stops.

let user = null
let x = 0

user?.sayHi(x++) // Nothing happens.

alert(x) // 0, x remains unchanged.

Real-life Example

  exp?.map((exp) => {
    return (
      <WanderCard key={} img={exp.img} type={exp.type} desc={exp.desc} />

Referring back to the server communication example, if exp received from the server is null, map operation is prevented by short-circuit evaluation.

This way, similar to conditional rendering, errors can be prevented effectively.

References 📕

Written by@Chaerin
Tech Blog📕
