Creating .env File in Github Actions

If the .env file is included in .gitignore, its contents won’t be added during builds and deployments in Github Actions. For instance, without including the env file, process.env.REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENTID would be missing, causing runtime errors.

To resolve this, you need to create a step in your YAML file to generate the .env file using environment variables stored in Github Secrets.

1. Register Environment Variables in Github Secrets

Github Secrets allows you to encrypt sensitive information such as access tokens or social login client IDs. To register secrets, navigate to your Github repository SettingsSecretsActions.

Github Secrets

Ensure that environment variables used within your React app are prefixed with REACT_APP.

2. Add .env Setting Step in YAML File

name: CI for pr dev
      - dev
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


      - name: Setting .env
        run: |
          echo "REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENTID=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENTID }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_API_DOMAIN=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_API_DOMAIN }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_KAKAO_REDIRECT=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_KAKAO_REDIRECT }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_KAKAO_CLIENTID=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_KAKAO_CLIENTID }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_NAVER_REDIRECT=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_NAVER_REDIRECT }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_NAVER_CLIENTID=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_NAVER_CLIENTID }}" >> .env
          echo "REACT_APP_NAVER_STATE_STRING=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_NAVER_STATE_STRING }}" >> .env
          cat .env


Use echo "[Environment variable]=${{ secrets.[secret name]}}" >> .env to populate the .env file with necessary environment variables. The cat .env command at the end is optional and is used here to verify the contents of the generated .env file.

When Github Actions runs, you’ll see that the secrets are encrypted, as shown in the example below:

Github Actions Output

By following these steps, you ensure that your Github Actions workflows can access the necessary environment variables securely without exposing sensitive information.

Written by@Chaerin
Tech Blog📕
